Choosing the right compression garment to protect your blood vessels

For varicose veins of compression garments

Varicose veins continue to conquer the world.

He may have already reached your home. If not, it could happen in the future.

Remember that up to 35% of adults get varicose veins in developed countries in Europe and North America. Moreover, with age, the number of patients only increases.

ᲠHow should it be?

Consult a phlebologist. He or she will prescribe treatment and you may be advised to buy linen for varicose veins. I will tell you about him later.

Do you think varicose veins are not dangerous?

Let’s see if that’s the case.

Varicose veins- It is an enlargement of the veins of the legs, which occurs due to the weakening of the venous valves. It disrupts blood circulation.

Oddly enough, the disease itself is not life-threatening for patients. Yes, it is inconvenient. For example, in the case of varicose veins, the symptoms appear:

  • Swelling
  • Itching and burning
  • Tired legs
  • Skin bleaching
  • Convulsions
  • Vascular networks

It does not sound terrible. Not surprisingly, many people ignore the symptoms of the disease for years and sometimes decades.

We understand why they do this. But that does not mean these people are right.

The main danger of varicose veins is not the symptoms but the complications.

Trophic ulcers - necrosis of certain areas of the skin due to circulatory disorders. It takes a very long time to cure such defects. Ulcers occur more frequently after therapy.

A blood clot is a blood clot that occurs when a blood vessel wall is damaged. They are useful in some situations. For example, if you cut yourself, blood clotting will prevent heavy bleeding.

There are also less enjoyable examples.

When the venous walls are damaged, blood clots accumulate on them. The problem is that they block blood flow and disrupt the supply to surrounding tissues.

But this is not so bad.

When blood clots break down and move with the blood in the body, real games with death begin. If blood clots hit the heart or brain and block blood vessels, the patient may die.

After such varicose veins no harmless disease is seen.

Of course, the disease does not kill in a few days. Dangerous complications sometimes appear only after a few years, but this does not mean that treatment is not necessary. See a doctor as soon as possible.

An integrated approach is used to combat varicose veins. This means that it is impossible to get rid of diseased blood vessels only with the help of medication or exercise. Treating varicose veins even with compression garments does not solve the problem by itself. But it will become an important part of the therapy and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

You may not believe that underwear will help you. After all, how do knitted garments relate to ships?

I will tell you about it now.

Healing Pressure - How Compression Clothes Helps Blood Vessels

Enlarged veins do not pump blood well to the heart. Knitted clothing puts pressure on certain areas of the feet. This improves blood circulation and reduces stress on the venous walls.

Linen with varicose veins forms a kind of frame around the vessels. This support prevents weak veins from expanding and keeps their walls in good shape.

The choice of pressure force depends on the foot area. For example, the maximum pressure jersey is usually applied to the feet. In this area blood begins to rise in the heart and great effort is required to overcome the force of gravity.

But a t-shirt on the thighs is applied at a maximum pressure of 40%. Here the blood in the veins moves more easily and does not need a strong support.

Consult a phlebologist for the right compression garment. An incorrectly selected t-shirt will not help your ships, but will hurt them.

There are situations when certain types of underwear are used.

Types of compression garments

Types of compression garments

In order for varicose underwear to have a beneficial effect on the veins, you need to choose it correctly. We are talking about medical devices that are not always useful for blood vessels. Again, excessive pressure washing only worsens the condition of the veins.

If you buy a T-shirt for the treatment of varicose veins, then first check with your doctor. It will check the condition of the blood vessels and determine which compression garment is right for you.

It is divided into 3 main types:

  • Socks
  • Tights
  • Sock on the neck

The choice of knitted clothing depends on the location of the diseased veins, lifestyle and other factors.

The advantages of socks, tights and golf will be discussed later.

Compression socks

This is the name of the product for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. It is mainly used in the early stages of the disease. Socks against varicose veins tightly wrap around the legs and press against the walls of blood vessels, improving blood circulation. ინიSin Also:

  • Prevents blood clotting
  • Relieve swelling
  • Relieves pain after standing for a long time
  • Protects against varicose veins

Knitted socks are also used to treat varicose veins during pregnancy. When carrying a baby, the vessels in a woman’s body experience great stress and are often swollen. Therefore, in 2-3 trimesters, doctors recommend pregnant women to wear these underwear.

Compression socks are versatile. They support varicose veins even above the knee, but are more comfortable to wear than tights.

Compression tights

This type of t-shirt completely covers the feet from the toes to the waist. Varicose vein tights do not slip while walking and are comfortable to wear. However, you have to remember that you will have to remove them several times a day and it will take time.

This underwear is often recommended for pregnant women as it not only protects the veins but also supports the abdomen.

If vascular problems have spread above the thighs, pantyhose will help you better against varicose veins than socks or up to the knee. Their functions:

  • Improving blood circulation
  • Foot muscle massage
  • Venous wall support
  • Eliminate excess lymph fluid

Compression stockings are used for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. They are also prescribed for recovery after leg surgery.

Compression to the knee

Varicose vein socks are prescribed for people with diseased veins of the lower extremities. If vascular problems have arisen below the knee, then such underwear can help you.

They do not restrict movement. Therefore, in golf you can exercise or walk. Many take them on a journey.

This underwear performs the following functions:

  • Narrows blood vessels
  • Strengthens venous walls
  • Relieves swelling

Anti-varicose vein socks are comfortable under clothing. If necessary, they can be removed quickly, for example, during an examination by a doctor.

Remember - the effectiveness of a knitted garment depends on how tight it is on your feet. This is e. წ. Compression classes. We will talk about them later.

Knitted clothing classes against varicose veins

Knitted clothing classes against varicose veins

The laundry compression class is measured in millimeters of mercury or mmHg. Art. As already mentioned, the pressure is maximum on the feet. It decreases from bottom to top. Therefore, the upper part of the shirt does not put much pressure on the feet.

There are 4 classes of compression:

1st grade: Pressure from 18 to 22 mm Hg. St. Art. It is used for the prevention of varicose veins and the treatment of the initial stage of the disease.

2nd grade: Pressure from 23 to 32 mm. Art. It is prescribed for the treatment of 2nd degree varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Put it on and the sores will heal faster.

3rd grade: Pressure from 33 to 45 mm. Art. Doctors prescribe these underwear to patients with trophic disorders and venous insufficiency.

4th grade: Pressure from 46 to 50 mm. Art. Such woven garments help in the fight against lymphostasis and edema in case of complications of varicose veins. Often prescribed after surgeries.

You can buy knitted clothes for prophylaxis yourself, without consulting a phlebologist. Do not catch your feet too much and do not hurt. But 2-4 grade underwear should be chosen only by a doctor.

How to choose compression garments to prevent varicose veins

If you are going to buy a knitted garment for the prevention of varicose veins, then start with the measurement. When you wake up, do not get out of bed. Immediately measure the circumference of your calf, thighs and ankles. You also need to know leg and foot length. When buying linen, these measures will help you.

Choose knee-high, socks or tights depending on the location of the problematic veins. If they are below the knees, you will like the height up to the knees. To stop the development of varicose veins in the upper legs, buy varicose socks or tights.

Pay attention to the fabric of the knitted garment. Give preference to cotton products - they are easy and comfortable to wear. Some manufacturers produce underwear with antibacterial and antifungal coating. It will not bother you with an unpleasant odor.

Manufacturers produce a wide range of compression garments. You just have to choose the socks, tights or knee lengths that you like.

Postoperative care - how much to wear knitwear after treatment

If you have late-stage varicose veins and have undergone vascular surgery, then you need to wear special underwear for full recovery. A phlebologist will tell you how long you should walk in it.

Do not break the routine of knitted garments.

Remember, your doctor prescribed these underwear for some reason. The effectiveness of the treatment directly depends on whether you are wearing a knitted garment.

Imagine you decide without pantyhose to fasten your teeth for just one day. It seems like everything is fine.

But this is not the case.

The t-shirt closes the wound left after the operation. Prevents air ingress and prevents blood poisoning. Also, underwear protects blood vessels from blood clots.

Do not risk your health. You have already undergone surgery and now complete recovery does not depend on your doctor. Spend a few months and you can return to a perfect life with healthy veins.

The phlebologist decides how long to wear the t-shirt. You can not take off clothes for a long time without consulting him.

I will tell you in detail how much you should wear compression garments after phlebectomy and sclerotherapy.

After miniflectomy

The treated leg after surgery should be covered with an elastic T-shirt. It has been shown to reduce intradermal bleeding and pain. Also, special underwear helps to prevent venous thrombosis.

Compression stockings should be worn for at least a week after a miniflectomy. The maximum period is 6 weeks. Class 2 knitted garments are usually assigned during this period, but its further use is pointless. Class 1 linen is enough to fasten ships.

After sclerotherapy

The shelf life of compression garments depends on the number of vessels treated. For example, if your doctor has treated 1-2 veins, socks or tights should only be worn for 3-4 months. During this time new, healthy vessels will appear.

If a phlebologist has cured 5-6 veins, walking in a 2nd grade knitted garment will take more time, up to 6 months. The doctor will then conduct an examination and if the recovery is successful, you will be allowed to use lower compression class underwear.

7 signs that you need to wear compression clothing

Such underwear is useful not only for varicose veins. We recommend that you purchase a preventative t-shirt if you have one of these signs:

  • Excess weight
  • Pregnancy
  • Vascular stars
  • Heavy loads on the legs
  • Passive lifestyle
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Susceptibility to vascular disease

Along with obesity, elastic stockings from varicose veins help in rapid weight loss. They remove excess fluid, soften fat wrinkles and tone the skin.

Underwear for pregnant women helps support the abdominal muscles. This prevents many problems such as uterine prolapse.

Who is contraindicated in wearing compression clothing

Unfortunately, not everyone can take advantage of special venous linens. In some diseases it is dangerous. Here is their list:

  • Severe angiopathy and diabetic polyneuropathy
  • Trophic ulcers not associated with vascular disease
  • Acute soft tissue infection
  • Cardiopulmonary insufficiency
  • Septic phlebitis

Other treatments for varicose veins with socks are contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the arteries of the foot if the upper blood pressure has dropped below 80 mm Hg. Art.

Extending the life of knitted garments - rules of care

If you want to provide varicose vein compression underwear before you recover, it needs proper care. For example, you need to wash daily.

You may ask, "Why, because I do not pollute? ".

Be that as it may, dust accumulates on the socks during the day. In addition, dead skin cells settle on them. So you can not do without washing.

Use baby soap or other products made for delicate fabrics. Wash the laundry by hand.

But what you can not do:

  • Boil
  • Exhaustion
  • Dry on a horizontal surface

This will damage the socks and make them unusable for healing.

By following these simple rules, you can use one t-shirt until recovery.

If you have read this before, you can learn a lot about compression clothing. It remains for us to say where they will help you choose it.

Doctors will quickly make a diagnosis and select the compression tissue

If you need to choose underwear not for prophylaxis but for the treatment of varicose veins, then you can not do without the help of a phlebologist. We recommend that you make an appointment at a specialist clinic.

The doctor will review the medical history and conduct an examination. He will then perform an ultrasound diagnosis - he will show the diseased vessels down to the smallest detail.

After the diagnosis, the doctor will determine if you need knitted clothing and if so, which one. To select it, your doctor needs to know your foot size and shape, as well as your daily routine.

To find out how to buy compression stockings, simply consult a phlebologist at a medical center.